XMega For Arduino project

Welcome to the 'github' web page for the XMega for Arduino Project!
This main page serves as a 'trampoline' for access to various web pages associated with this project.
For detailed documentation, source code, issues, and other 'specifics', refer to the individual
repository wiki pages, README files, and 'issues' management system.
- Slideshow presentation on XMega vs earlier AVR processors
© 2014 by Bob Frazier and S.F.T. Inc. - all rights reserved
This page and others in this repository are part of a publically supported open source project
Usage is free. Copying, quoting, and links to html pages are ok as long as you give proper credit
Arduino brand is copyright of Arduino SA
AVR®, XMEGA®, and Atmel® are registered trademarks of Atmel Corporation